



Independent Study 和 Contract Learning




Students can contract individualized learning experiences, 包括实习, 课程, 教学奖学金, 还有旅游项目, 以及整个专业. 在所有情况下, the student’s vision 和 initiative direct the process in collaboration with faculty members to create a learning agreement.

Why create a contracted learning experience?

  • 追随激情. Design 和 tailor your project to pursue an interest, idea, or curiosity.
  • 开发人才. Well-crafted experiences challenge you to develop your unique strengths.
  • 获得所有权. Throughout the contracted learning experience, demonstrate initiative 和 take control of your learning 和 growth.
  • 连接和协作. Contracted experiences yield new knowledge, increased organizational capacity, 让关系重新焕发活力.




Earn credit for an internship in any field or area, 比如卫生专业, 法律, 业务, 出版, 或者人力资源.

Identify an internship well in advance of the term you hope to complete the internship; internship contracts are due at registration.



追求独立学习, 担任助教, or develop a travel project for summer or 探索术语.

Work jointly with a faculty member to create a learning contract prior to registration.


Contract an Individualized Major

Create an individualized major by curating from existing 课程.

Consult with faculty mentors 和 the Director of 探索术语 和 Contract Learning; proposals are due by the end of the sophomore year.



    Contract a Course, Fellowship, or Travel Project

    Contract Courses, Fellowships, 和 Travel Projects 

    Students can contract an individualized learning experience during any term, 包括勘探期, earning a quarter-unit to a full unit as part of their regular course load. Students may also contract non-credit-bearing experiential learning contracts (designated rise3). Working in collaboration with a faculty sponsor, individualized learning contracts empower students to investigate an area of study, 专业实践, 或者是他们感兴趣的问题. 例如, 学生可以进行研究, 做实地考察, 完成一次实习, 参与社区活动, or design their own course - any of which might incorporate domestic or international travel. 

    How do I develop an individualized learning contract? 

    Designing the perfect contract depends on your interests 和 goals. Start planning early in the term prior to the term you want to complete the contract; learning contracts are due at the time of registration for the upcoming term.  The main activities to crafting a contract include: identifying your learning goals; meeting with faculty 和 staff mentors; outlining the shape of your project; 和 submitting the learning contract.   

    • 确定学习目标.  Drawing from your personal experiences, 观察, 之前的课程工作, identify an issue or concern that you want to learn more about, 和, 更重要的是, why you want to learn about these things. Think specifically about how you will be different as a result of this self-designed learning experience. Consider your learning goals for all contract types: 教学奖学金, 研究调查, 实习, 或者社区参与.   
    • 征求反馈.  Work with a faculty member 和 other mentors including Krulak Institute staff, to identify the resources needed to meet your learning goals.  Think specifically about the relevant disciplinary literature you will need to read, as well as access to people or places that can support your learning goals.  You will need a faculty sponsor for the project.   

    Resources for developing an internship can be found 在这里 

    Resources for incorporating international travel into your contract can be found 在这里.  

    Resources for conducting research with a faculty member can be found 在这里.

    • 概述项目. Working with a faculty sponsor 和 other mentors, 为你的项目制定一个计划, including how you will spend your time, the specific outcomes or products you will produce at each stage, 和 the criteria you will employ to determine if your project was successful.   Think of your contract as your own syllabus for the course of study you are creating for yourself.   
    • 提交提案. Finalize your contract with your faculty sponsor 和 submit it as a proposal. A faculty committee will review 和 approve your proposal, providing feedback if necessary. 一旦你的建议被批准, you will be registered for the project 和 it will appear on your course schedule for the upcoming term.   

    The contract learning submission form is available 在这里 



    An individualized major is created in response to specific needs 和 interests of the student. Students might craft an individualized major given specific career interests, 研究生学习计划, or simply to better fulfill personal learning interests.  

    How do I create an individualized major? 

    启动这个过程, first-year 和 sophomore students should make appointments to consult their faculty advisor, 其他教员导师, 和 the appropriate Krulak研究所 staff member. They can provide guidance on crafting specific learning goals, determining which course offerings would support the intended major, think creatively about individualized learning experiences within the major, 和 determine course sequencing, 预期, 以及顶点要求.


We're available to help with any needs.
Contact the Krulak研究所 at 205-226-7717 or at (电子邮件保护)